Definite's Extractor

My findings on Life, Linux, Open Source, and so on.

Monthly Archives: January 2009

[RHEL5] Sync between Evolution2 and Sony Ericsson K510i

Recently I read a good Howto about synchronizing sony-ericsson k610i with ximian evolution on ubuntu, and tried it with my SE 510i in RHEL5 with great success.

Though that post is about Ubuntu, most of the steps still applied in RHEL5.
BTW, you need to have bluetooth on both your mobile and computer to make it work.

My steps:

  1. Installation:

    Install bluez, multisync, libiopensync, libopensync-plugin-irmc, and libopensync-plugin-evolution2. However, neither RHEL nor EPEL have those sync packages, so grab the FC6 version, they work.

  2. Evolution plugins Configuration:

    The steps are essentially same with the post from here.

    msynctool --configure pim_sync 1

    which call your editior to create something like:


    No need to modified it if you use evolution default.

  3. Configuration for mobile:
    1. Find MAC address of the mobile by

      hcitool scan

    2. Find the Channel number for OBEX IrMC Sync Server of the mobile by

      sdptool browse yourPhonesMacHere

      Note that it is the “Service Name: OBEX IrMC Sync Server” section to be looked at.

    3. Configure member group for the mobile by

      msynctool --configure pim_sync 2

      which call your editior to create something like:


      Replace yourphonemachere and yourirmcchannelhere with your own values.


  4. Usage
    1. Sync with:

      msynctool --sync pim_sync


    2. Sync without note and contact:

      msynctool --sync pim_sync --filter-objtype note --filter-objtype contac


That’s it, folks!

[Solved] Opera Chinese font display problem.

I use opera every day, but it does not give me a good Chinese font display. Some character, such as 灣, the bottom part is cut.

I’ve traced the opera with –debugfont and –debugfontfilter, and found it used baekmuk (Korean font) instead. After that font removed, it solved the cut-to-half problem, but it caused new problem: the character became blurred.

I also tried qtconfig-qt4, but no prevail.

Finally, after playing with font setting in KDE4 control center (cmd: systemsettings), and finally it works!
What I did was:
1. systemsetting-> font -> use anti-alias: set Enabled
2. Press “configure” button.
3. Exclude range: set disabled.
4. Apply

And that’s it.


Current I maintain both zhcon and fbterm.

Even zhcon development is inactive at the moment, but it is still remembered and even embraced by many CJK console users. The pros of zhcon over fbterm:

  1. Provides vga mode, no need to enter framebuffer mode.
  2. Has various buildin input methods.
  3. Supports GB2312 GB2312, GBK, etc.

Cons of zhcon

  1. Support utf8 through iconv gb2312 -> utf8, it causes characters missing
  2. Input methods fails on x86_64

To sum up, if you are using GB2312 encoding on a i386 machine, then zhcon works for you. But if you want utf8, or you have x86_64 machines, then bad luck.

On the other hand, fbterm supports utf8, no need to mock font setting, and the latest version support screen rotation! This is convenient to me, as I no longer need to bend my neck to check the output.

Although fbterm still haven’t have officical input methods, but given that fbterm is under active development, and Peng Huang mentioned that he has a successful story of using ibus in fbterm, I am confident that fbterm will replace zhcon.