Definite's Extractor

My findings on Life, Linux, Open Source, and so on.

Monthly Archives: May 2010

How-to click a GWT 2.0 button with Selenium

I am testing a web application with selenium.
Some buttons of the web app are rendered with GWT 2.0, they cannot be clicked by “click” command.

There are other pages that describe and address this problem, such as:
Selenium Testing of GWT 2.0 and
Simulating clicks on GWT push buttons with Selenium RC

Nevertheless, when I was also pondering this problem, an old GUI technique came to my mind. You can “simulate” mouse click by pressing tab until the target widget get focus, then press Enter to activate that widget. Similarly, you can press Enter on the web element by

keyPress(elementLocator, \13)

Where 13 is ASCII for return

Inputting CJK in Opera 10.5x

I have been  loyal to opera since opear 6. It was a major innovator. For example, multiple tab browsing, mouse gesture, and speed dial was their invention.

However, for us, CJK linuxer, riding with opera was and is bumpy. While with other browsers you can just install and play, you have to manually set a environment to make it works, or use Google to dig out "forbidden" qt4 or static build.

Now came to the era of 10.5x, great, there is no known way to enable input methods. No ibus, QT_IM_MODULE, xim, not at all.

Finally, when I reach the opera forum, their answer is something like, "No, not yet, please wait until we are ready for final." Well, just hope I don’t have to wait too long.

Quick note of “Mercurial vs Git”

  Mercurial Git
Show Src URL hg paths git remote show origin
Ignore pattern file .hgignore .gitignore
Ignore pattern syntax regex/glob glob
Local ignore pattern* Unsupported Supported

* Ignore pattern in subdirectory and for subdirectory.

Well, I do think mercurial can be more convenient if it supports the local ignore pattern,

Mind Mapping for Fedora

Some time ago, a time management training mentioned about Mind map, so after the training, I went straight to Fedora (and others) repositories to play with the mind map packages.

So far I played following 4:

1. Freemind:

Pros: De facto standard, and can be imported by others. Keyboard shortcut is easy to learn.

Cons: File format between 0.9.0 and 1.0.1 seems incompatible.

2. labyrinth:

Pros: UI is extremely easy; convenient and fast to add a new entry.
Cons: Not able to modify link if you make some mistake; Can’t import and doesn’t really have import function.

3. kdissert:
Pros: UI not hard to learn; various output formats, including docbook, html, latex document, beamer, and openoffice presentation, and plain test ; function to reorganize the branches; easy to write further description ;
Cons: No FreeMind import, bind with KDE3.

4. vym:
Pros: various import/export formats, including freemind; the default link looks pretty; able to output to task juggler
Cons: Cannot reorganize the branches.

Summary: I would suggest:

  1. freemind: Good default choice, but beware of version incompatible.
  2. vym: I am current using this one, offer nearly everything.
  3. labyrinth: if you just want a simple and easy software, and you don’t need to share with others
  4. kiddsert: if you want mind maps exports straight to documents, presentation slides and don’t mind having KDE3 dependency.