Definite's Extractor

My findings on Life, Linux, Open Source, and so on.

Monthly Archives: February 2009

RHEL/CENTOS skype Chinese font display problem. (Skype 簡繁體中文顯示問題)

My skype can only show English and traditional Chinese, but not simplified Chinese.
I had not had motivation to solve this problem, because most of time,
Skype was used only as video conversation.

Nevertheless, today I decided to tackle it, and found some interesting results.
For those impatient, just run qtconfig4, then set the default font as
“Serif”, or “AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni/AR PL ZenKai”, if you can endure the bad English display.

How about other fonts? Well, first of all, font substitution does not work, at least Skype does not look at it. It seems only “Serif” has correct substitution rule. I did not dig further into fontconfig, but it works anyway.

我的 Skype 只能顯示繁體,而簡體字變成框框。
今天試了一下,發現只要在 qtconfig4 那裡把預設字型設為 「Serif」

至於為什麼會這樣?我也不知道。:-P我的 Skype 只能顯示繁體,而簡體字變成框框。
今天試了一下,發現只要在 qtconfig4 那裡把預設字型設為 「Serif」
