Definite's Extractor

My findings on Life, Linux, Open Source, and so on.

Monthly Archives: July 2010

Turn-off the auto lock when you close the lid

I often use my netbook on bus and when waiting for bus.
However I find it is quite annoy that it is locked when I closed the lid.

In order to avoid the auto lock, the UI for both gnome-power-manager and gnome-screensaver are insufficient.


gconf-editor /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock&

and uncheck both
blank_screen, which locks screen immediately when screen is blank (including when you close the lid);

and use_screensaver_settings which will also locks the screen immediately when screen is blank.

Does Opera 10.60 supports IBus?

I’ve been waiting the opera release version for IBus support. And finally Opera changelog states that it support IBus and scim. I then download the x86_64 version for my desktop which runs Fedora 12.

But, WTH, ctrl-space still not trigger the input method?Great. I’ve tried various environment variables, but still no use.

Then I use okteta to dig the opera binary, and find the string.


Ok, it uses XIM. (Guys and gals, no need to play with GTK_IM_MODULES and QT_IM_MODULES, they don’t work).
IBus does support XIM, but my IBus icon still unlit with opera (My language bar is always on).

Finally, I thought this might only appear in 64 bit opera, so I install the 32 bit opera in my mini311 which runs Fedora 13, and it worked out-of-box (sort of). So I went back to my desktop and install 32 bit opera, and it worked.

When I was searching the solution of using IBus with opera, I noticed that many ibus-pinyin user complained that ibus-pinyin cannot send the whole sentence to opera. My ibus-chewing has this problem as well, but you can avoid this issue by setting the option input style to “in application window”.