Definite's Extractor

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[COPR] Why my patches are missing from custom build

Custom build script in COPR is a versatile. With a couple sed commands, you can modify Fedora SPEC files and port it to RHEL/CentOS Stream with a little effort.

However, when I was porting the keepassxc-2.7.X a few days ago, COPR keeps complaining xcb.patch is missing. While I myself does not need the patch for Wayland, I am curious why other packages are fine but not this one.

Eventually, it is because Patch0: xcb.patch was in conditional, like:

%if 0%{?el8}
Patch0: xcb.patch

The SRPM maker did not run under el8, thus Patch0 is not in SRPM.

Since my repo contains just EL8 and EL9 packages, I can simply make the conditional always say yes. So I put down following like in the script:

sed -i -e '/^%if 0%{[?]el8}/ s/0%{[?]el8}/1/' $PKG.spec

This solved the problem.

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