Definite's Extractor

My findings on Life, Linux, Open Source, and so on.

SELinux for synergy , or generally other tcp/udp services

If you enforcing your SELinux and set your user to non unconfined_u, like either user_u or staff_u. You may found that your synergy or other tcp/udp service stop working. That is because your role cannot listen the ports that your services required.

To allow users to run TCP servers (bind to ports and accept connection from the same domain and outside users), run:

sudo setsebool selinuxuser_tcp_server 1

and for UDP:

sudo setsebool selinuxuser_udp_server 1


  1. user SELinux Policy documentation (8)

One response to “SELinux for synergy , or generally other tcp/udp services

  1. Pingback: (User) TCP/UDP services under SELinux | 0ddn1x: tricks with *nix

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